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Texas Online DADAP Course - Sign up for your Texas DADAP course online with 1-800-558-9887. is your source for the online DADAP course
DADAP stands for "Drug and Alcohol Driving Awareness Program." This program may be used by certain Texas drivers who are convicted of drug, alcohol and / or traffic related offenses with permission from a court. The program is targeted at the 16-24 year old driving population and contains important information about how to avoid the pitfalls of driving after drinking or using drugs or alcohol.
Thousands of Texas drivers have completed this course since it first began to be offered several years ago. As more traffic and drug courts become aware of the availability of DADAP, its popularity continues to grow. Part of the DTA family of driver improvement courses that stress the importance of attitude on an individual's driving behavior, the DADAP course combines video, text, and animations into an entertaining and instructive presentation that young drivers can relate to.
Experience the DADAP course for yourself by clicking the REGISTER NOW button to get started.